Membership Dues
Membership dues provide membership privileges at
all levels of League– Evanston (LWVE), County (LWVCC), State (LWVIL), and National (LWVUS).
As of February 2025, the national League of Women Voters is transitioning to a new membership structure to get more people around the country involved in empowering voters and defending democracy. All League members now join and renew through one national platform: the LWVUS. This guide will help you understand what these changes mean for you— and what we’ll need you to do.
The League’s annual membership types and dues are:
Individual Member– $75 recommended*
Life Member (annual dues are waived upon reaching 50 years of service)
* LWV offers a pay-what-you-can option where members can choose their own dues amount, with a minimum of $20. Although the payment category for an Additional Member in Household is discontinued, a member joining from the same household as an existing member can choose to pay half of the recommended amount.
The League of Women Voters must be adequately financed in order to operate and achieve its goals. Because membership dues provide membership at all levels of League, of a $75 membership payment, the Evanston League retains 20%. Financial support for League activities comes from members (who are our most dedicated and committed source of funds) and from the community (individuals, foundations, corporations, and businesses). Support for the League is a good investment!
The LWV of Evanston is a 501(c)(3) organization; LWVE dues and donations that are directed for our local league are fully are
tax deductible.
After you
register and pay your dues at the LWV National website,
please return to this page and click the DONATE to LWVE button to make your direct donation to the LWV Evanston!
Donate to LWVE